Our car rental on Lidingö can be found in the same premises as Bilia, Förrådsvägen 2.
Here you can easily pick up and return your pre booked rental car, everything from day rentals to long-term rentals.
Contact us for more information or book your rental car directly via the website.
Förrådsvägen 2
181 41
Mon-Fri: 07:00-16:00
Sat-Sun: Closed
Applied: 2023-10-23 - 2040-12-31
Mon-Fri: 09:00-16:00
Sat-Sun: Closed
Mon-Fri: 09:00-16:00
Sat-Sun: Closed
Closed: 2025-04-19
Closed: 2025-04-20
Closed: 2025-05-29
Closed: 2025-06-06