Do you sometimes need a car for shorter periods of time? For example, to go shopping, visit family or friends, drive to the recycling depot, take a trip to the lake, or anything else. The solution for this is MABI Mobility, a carpool where you rent the car per hour. As a member of a carpool, you pay a fee per hour and a mileage fee when you use the car.​

In collaboration with Familjebostäder in Stockholm MABI has established a carpool in Årsta, Stockholm. It is located at Familjebostäder’s proporty in the Rösträknaren neighborhood. The cars are parked at the back of the proporty, adjacent to the Linde tram station. The carpool is for both for the properties' tenants as well as people from outside. Booking is done via the internet, and the cars can be opened both with your cell phone or your driving license.​